Thursday, August 25, 2022


 2021 was the year of death/ Seven people I knew or had known died. None of them are from covid. Two relatives died on my sister's dad's side. They were not old. It felt so unfair. My only aunt on my dad's side passed away from a stroke at the end of the year. She lived in Washington state and we were not close but from going through her house she lived a full and happy life. She was a psych nurse for a long time. From her pictures she traveled a lot, She even went to Italy. I would have wanted to go. I wish she had lived closer to me. We would have gotten along so much. It seemed like we had a lot in common. Art, books, and cats. 

My mom's ex from years ago died. If it wasn't for drinking he would have been my stepdad. I felt an electric shock when I heard he passed away. I don't know how he died but I'm sure it was from years of drinking. 

At the beginning of the year, my grandma and her live-in love as I put it got covid together. They even shared a hospital room together. Both survived but I was scared this was it. Covid is known as a boomer remover though she is a pre-boomer. At the end of the year, she turned 80. Unfortunately, we didn't get to give her a big party like when she turned 70. I never thought my grandma would live this long because of her years of smoking and having COPD. I'm grateful she is here. 

Beware of the Ides of March

Last March was a cluster fuck. I feel like I am lightly putting it. My mom got covid. My sister Holly had her gallbladder removed. Came home started throwing up nasty stuff and ended up back in the hospital. As I said in a previous post my nephew's girlfriend was pregnant and the baby had anencephaly. Gianna was born and died on March 15th. The same day I was having shoulder surgery. I didn't get to see her or get to hold her but those who were there did. I can't imagine the pain of giving birth to a baby that was meant to die. Carry that pain with you for the rest of your life. 

My surgery was successful in my opinion. It put me out of my misery. There was so much wrong with my shoulder. Mild arthritis my ass. It was severe. They had to work on my bicep, and rotator cuff and clean out some of my arthritis. The next surgery will probably be a shoulder replacement unless it's minor work. Recovery was a long road. I went to rehab. That was hell. The food was awful. Luke warm to cold most days and uneditable to me. I'm a picky eater and this was a nightmare. I lost 10lbs. Some of the CNAs were nice and some need to find a different profession. Their people skills were terrible. Getting home was hard because I had to wheel my wheelchair with one arm. I did two rounds of physical therapy before the pain finally went away. Waking up without being in pain is a new normal for now. Not being in pain all of the time allows my brain to focus on other things like creativity. It's been a long road. 

My best friend of 14 years died on Aug 30th, I didn't know until a week and a half later. She will get her own post. 

In the year of death, there was a piece of light. Sierra gave birth to a junior whopper baby boy. Seriously almost 10pounds. He is our sunshine. Cute and chubby baby. We love him to pieces. 


 I've had this written down for a while and the piece of paper is getting worn so I thought I get this all out finally. I wrote out reasons why 2020 was a bad year. 

My oldest nephew on my Mom's side was arrested twice. He almost died from pills shortly after Thanksgiving.. I hate addiction. His girlfriend was pregnant and a week after he was sent to jail for the second time we found out she was having a girl. The following week we found out the baby had a birth defect anencephaly. It's a birth defect where the brain and skull does not develop properly. The babies usually do not live. If we lived in a state where late-term abortion is allowed usually the pregnancy would be terminated. Her original date was on April of 2021 but Gianna came on March 15. She came out took a breath and died. 

My second to the oldest nephew got my mom's house raided. Someone told the GC police he was doing drugs on Snapchat. I had seen pictures on Instagram of him smoking weed in my mom's garage. My mom told him several times not to smoke week in the house. The GC police broke my mom's door and the dog didn't even react to it. Just sat on the couch. Guard dogs my ass. Needless to say, mom kicked him out and he got arrested. My mom was fined for weed found in the garage. Probably was his. I don't think my nephew or my sister paid my mom back for it.  Stupid criminal. 

Teenagers of yesterday did all they could to hide their bad behavior now they have no shame and show it on social media. Leaving all the evidence for their parents to see. They must love being grounded. 

My oldest niece on my mom's side graduated from high school. Unfortunately, there was no ceremony or party. We all looked forward to it. 

One of my uncles has been MIA for years still haven't heard from him. One of my aunts left on the fly to move up north. It was a WTF moment. She came back in 2021 when my cousin got pregnant. 

Several family members got Covid in the fall. Some lost their sense of taste and smell. One of my sisters said that things don't taste the same. 

As for me, 2020 was physically and emotionally hard. It was the height of my shoulder and neck pain. I finally went and saw an orthopedic instead of pain management. I couldn't take the pain anymore. I had five injections, four MRIs an EKG, and physical therapy. I swear if I heard one more time that I only have mild arthritis I was going to scream. It turned out my arthritis was more severe. The ortho agreed to surgery that I had in March of 2021. This was also the year when my bicep was torn and my neck froze a few days before Thanksgiving. 

I tried my best to stay away from people. I wish grocery pick up or delivery was more available before the pandemic. 

It was a rough year but 2021 said hold my beer. 

Monday, November 11, 2019

Pet Loss

The loss of Valentino has been hard. Most people have been sympathetic but there have been things that have been said that are not good. 

When someone loses a cat or dog don't tell them to go to the shelter right away and get another dog or cat. Don't offer someone a kitten or puppy or say I know someone who has puppies or kittens. The loss of a fur baby is hard. Even though there are good intentions those kinds of things can hurt when the pain is still raw from the loss. Allow that person to grieve. When they are ready then offer the puppy or kitten. If they want to go to the shelter be supportive and go with them but let them do this on their own accord.  

I have already been offered a kitten but I have not taken it yet. He is cute. A black and white cat with an interesting mustache mark on his face. I agreed to take him around Thanksgiving. I'm not sure how I will react to him or how he will react to me. I hope it will be ok. 

My heart is still broken from losing Valentino. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Life and Death of Valentino

I adopted Valentino at the Wisconsin Humane Society March of 2012. I wasn't planning on getting a cat at the time because I lost Attila the month before. I went there to mentally coach myself to the idea that one day I would adopt again. Window shop per se. Also because my female cat Tigerlilly was being hostile toward me after Attila died. After he died she slept in his carrier for a week. After I put his carier away she went on my couch on started to claw and bite my blinds. After that, she got hostile toward me if I petted her too much. She would claw or bite me. Attila couldn't get enough of pets. 

Window shopping did not happen. While I was looking around I saw Valentino. I thought he was the most handsome cat. He was standing on the tallest perch in his room just staring at me like an Egyptian statue. Eventually, the adoption counselor came I said I wanted to meet him. He came down the cat tree and leaped into my arms. He stayed for a while and then got down. I tried to hold his roomate who was another black cat. He liked me but didn't like me. So I said I wanted him because Valentino liked me more. Though if I didn't already have Tigerlilly I probably would have taken both of them. When I got him home I opened the door of the cat carrier and he leaped into my arms again and seemed content. I almost said I loved him but I couldn't do it. It was too soon. He made it too difficult to not love him.  In my arms is where he has been for seven years. You probably have seen plenty of our pictures on Facebook. 

The name on the door at the Humane society was Mumford. I thought it was kind of an odd name. He seemed so lovely dubby so I named him Valentino.

After I brought him home Tigerlilly stopped being hostile towards me. Over the years they sort of got along and sort of didn't. Valentino became the dominate one of the house. When Attila was alive Tigerlilly was the dominate one. She became an old mama over time. He wanted to play and she made it very clear that she didn't. Though one night years ago they wrestled on my bed while I was sleeping and practically wrestled on my head.  Tigerlilly made it very clear that the bed was her spot, not his.

Valentino had separation anxiety bad for a long time. For a long time, I would have to coddle him before and after I got home sometimes he would be right at the door when I come home like a dog. In the earlier years sometimes he would even bite me for being gone. After a while, I didn't have to coddle him as much and he could handle short separations. The week or so before he passed I would come home and find him in one of his resting spots and I would say I'm home! and he would barely acknowledge it as a typical cat.

Not a day went by that Valentino that didn't make me feel loved. He loved to be held like a baby. Get selfies, eat canned food, take naps and sniff the fridge. He never took food from the fridge just liked to sniff it.

The End
Valentino passed away on October 2nd at 6:47 am.
It started at around 2am. Valentino made an attempt to jump on my desk and missed it. The only metaphor for it was like in the Lion King where Mufasa is at the ledge of the cliff and he is trying to pull himself up and of course you know that rest. Valentino hit the floor and scurried away. I said what are you trying to do you silly boy. That was the last time he tried to jump on my desk. He has jumped on my desk tons of times before and never had a problem. Every morning he jumped on my desk for morning pets. I didn't see the impact just that he slipped down. Cats can miss their mark from time to time and nothing bad happens.

This time something bad did happen and it was lethal. 10 to 20 mins later I decided to go to bed and was going to put my tea in the fridge and I saw Valentino laying on my area rug. He made a deep growl at me. Said Valentino what is wrong? And I growled at me again. He then scooted across the floor. His back legs were limp and his tail was not moving. I  freaked out and googled. Trying to see if I could administer some first aid because I thought he broke his leg or something. I then called a 24-hour animal hospital. They told me to bring him in. I melted down after that because I didn't know what to do. It was in the middle of the night and it was pouring rain. I didn't think the bus was a safe option. I made two phone calls and my home health care aid came and took him.

Before she came Valentino scooted across the floor and into a box near my desk, after that he got out of the box and tried to pull himself up onto me and slipped down adding insult to injury. (I still have the claw marks for him trying to climb up me) He then for some time laid on the floor. At some point, he threw up some clear stuff and I could hear some weird noises coming from his breathing. I could tell he was breathing excessively. Before my aid got to my apartment he went underneath my bed. He didn't help his cause by getting under the bed.  I understand when cats are hurt they want to hide. Eventually, we got him and put it into a box.

I was on speakerphone the entire time he was at the animal hospital. The doctor explained that he has a blood clot and that was why his legs and tail went limp. He was also in heart failure. She said he probably had underlying heart disease. The doctor offered a cardio consult and surgery to get the clot out. The surgery was going to cost 2 to 3k with no guarantee that he would regain use of his legs or that another blood clot would not come after the surgery and kill him.. I couldn't justify putting him through it especially since he was already in heart failure. So I decided to let him. go.

I couldn't tell you how many times I melted down during this time. Eventually, it was time to go. I told him over and over again I loved him and each time he meowed back at me and it hurt so much. Then he was gone.

I wish I was physically there for him. I wish I could have kissed his head and petted him one last time.

After he was gone the hospital wanted too much for cremation so they put him in a cardboard coffin and my aid brought him home. I waited for my vet to open and talked to them. I put his coffin on my lap for a while and blankly stared out of the window. My mind became numb. I can't believe he is gone. I took him to the vet to be cremated and in a few weeks, he will be home.

The vet tech tried to comfort me and told me its not my fault. There was no way I could have prevented this. It was a freak accident. Heart disease is genetic. 

He was only 8 years old. I thought we had many more years together. 8 years old is too young for a cat. Tigerlilly is currently 15, so I know cats can live much longer.

If a vet ever tells you that your cat has a blood clot you are only given two options. Euthanasia or to do the surgery. If the cat is in heart failure and survives the surgery the cat will only live a little over two months. If he only had the blood clot and had the surgery the longest is 6 to 7 months. This is based on what I have read since his passing.

I have not taken his death well. I sleep wonky. I haven't had much of an appetite. The night hours especially between 2 to 4 am give me anxiety. Sometimes the anxiety comes earlier. When I get into bed I sit up for several minutes and look at the empty cat condo. The events of that night roll in my head.

The house just feels so much quieter and empty without him. No meowing for attention except the occasional howls from Tigerlilly. He isn't there to wake me up or get his morning snuggles. Not here to follow me everywhere I go in the apartment. Not begging for canned food. Its just silence.

He's just gone.  

Saturday, July 11, 2015


All of the stress from the past few months has caused a number of nightmares and vivid dreams. Many I didn't record but I record a few.

1. The dream was in three parts. The first I was surfing in the ocean. I was happy. The second part I was traveling trying to get back to the ocean. I asked people for directions on how to get back to the ocean but no one would tell me. I ended up staying in a town. I ended up wanting a tattoo. I couldn't decide if I wanted an Ariel or Rosie the Riveter. The third part must of turned into a nightmare because when I woke up I basically said to the WTF was that about?

2. I was in a submerged car with another person. Someone pulled me out of the car. The other person in the car died. I was devestated and physically collapsed.

3. This was nothing but about insects. Being in a room where I see insect parts and seeing insects crawling around. Big and black ones too.

4. I was wearing an outfit from the 1700's. The other characters in the dream also were wearing time period outfits. A man was coming after me. I tried to hide in different places so he couldn't find me. Some of the places seem to be underground places. Catacombs? He and his soliders finally find me. I get loose. I'm running through a forest. I get to the end of the forest and I see water and beyond the water was an open meadow. In the water I see an eye, it was an alligator eye. When I woke up I knew I wasn't going to be able to get passed the water.

5. I'm being held hostage at gun point by a woman named Morgan. She took me somewhere. I tried to be friendly and talkative toward her but she told me to shut up! No talking! She was wearing a medieval looking dress. I looked in some direction and I see a group of people. Some of them were in a line. A man who looked like a monk came up to me and tapped me in the rib with a weird looking brown hard cover book. Morgan is now sitting in a tall thrown like chair and a woman comes up to her and says Hi Morgie!! She did not look happy to see her and I woke up.                                                                                              

Saturday, April 18, 2015

In a Crisis

Last year was not a good year for me especially for my health. Neck and shoulder pain, diagnosed as borderline diabetic, Vitamin D deficiency and girl problems that ended up getting surgical procedure for. This is a new year. My neck and shoulder as easy off. I thought the neck and shoulder pain would never go away.  I take a pill for my borderline diabetes. I find the soda tit difficult get off of. I started drinking baby bottles because low calorie and diet sodas are gross. I try to only drink one a day but sometimes I do two. I was drinking two to three cans a day of the regular size cans.  I gave up candy completely. Switched from white to honey wheat bread. If I want a cookie I eat a mini and I stay away from Oreos. Every finals week I was eating a package of Oreos. Every time I see reese sticks at the grocery store my stomach growls. I miss M&Ms. I also started taking 10,000 UI of vitamin D everyday.

Just when I thought I had advert a health crisis and things were on the mend, I'm facing another disaster. On my birthday of all days I had a meeting with financial aid. I thought it was because of my incompletes. I was informed that I reached the amount of aid that I can get as an undergraduate. Needless to say I wanted to have a meltdown. If I drink I would of totally gotten trashed that day. Instead had my cry in the bathroom and then went to my internship. The financial aid adviser gave me little options on how to go forward other than getting a loan from a bank.I've applied for two loans and both want co signers. Neither of my parents seem enthused to sign. I don't come from a rich family. I come the exact opposite. Scholarships are another option but I need to finish my incompletes to get my grade point back up to qualify for them and that won't be until this summer.
I am inundated with this semesters work. The other thing about scholarships is that there are tons of people applying for them and they won't cover all of my tuition and books. I even called the department of education to confirm the cap and they said yes it is capped. They didn't give me much options either. Other than selling my belongs  Even if I sell some of my belongings if I was lucky I would come up with one semesters worth of tuition. I don't own a vehicle or anything worth a huge amount of money.I am going to call an agency on Tuesday to see if they can help. Other than that I have run out of options

I am about 10-11 classes away from graduation. Tuition at UWM for 12 credits is almost $5000 and that does not include textbooks, ink and paper. There are talks of tuition hikes in the future because of my Dumb ass Governor and him wanting to cut $300 million out of the UW System. I was planning on graduating in Spring of 2016, now I am not sure. I want to get into graduate school. I can't even think about that right now. I have this thunderstorm looming over my head. I'm trying not to let it paralyze me but it is really difficult not to let it. I've stressed ate this week which I know isn't going to do me any good. I've gone through two bags of Ruffles this week. It's a good thing there are no Oreos in the house or they would be gone too.  I have so many other things to stress over about like my capstone paper.

Quitting would be a tragedy.It would cause more issues for me, with no better prospects of finding decent paying employment than I had before I came back to school. Not to mention a huge amount of student loan debt on top of it with nothing to show for it.

 One of the few options that I have come up with is a Go Fund Me site.